Is there actually any difference between Usul-Din and Usul-Fiqh?

Which one should I go for if want to become a mufti?

  • Osol-ad-Dyn seems to be a very wage term the others are well defined.
    – Medi1Saif
    Commented Jun 7, 2017 at 7:19

1 Answer 1


From what I know, Usul-al-Din is a Shia belief and Usul-al-Fiqh is both Sunni and Shia belief

Usul-al-Din means (Principles of the Religion) while Usul-al-Fiqh means (Principles of Jurisprudence).

1. Usul-al-Din

From shiastudies.org:

The Principles of Religion (Usul al-Din) which outline the essential beliefs in accordance with the Qur’an and the teachings of the Twelve Imams

The Principles of the Religion according to Twelver Shi’a Islam are:

  • Belief in Oneness and Unity of God: Al-Tawhid
  • Belief in Divine Justice: Al-Adl
  • Belief in Prophethood: Al-Nubuwah
  • Belief in Imams: Al-Imamah
  • Belief in Day of Resurrection: Al-Ma’ad

In Sunni Islam, the equal would be iman mufassal.

2. Usul-al-Fiqh

Wikipedia writes:

Principles of Islamic jurisprudence otherwise known as Uṣūl al-fiqh (Arabic: أصول الفقه‎‎) is the study and critical analysis of the origins, sources, and principles upon which Islamic jurisprudence is based.

The four main sources for Usul-al-Fiqh are:

  • Quran
  • Sunnah
  • Ijma
  • Qiyas

They are analysed along with secondary sources:

  • Istihsan
  • Masali Mursala
  • Ihsaan (spiritual excellence, virtue)
  • Istidlaal
  • Urf (local custom or pre-existing law)
  • Aql (reason or intellect)
  • Sadd al-dharai
  • Shara man qablana
  • Ijma al-ummah (consensus of the worldwide Muslim community)
  • Ijma khulafah al-rashideen (consensus of the first four caliphs)
  • Ijma ahl al-medina (consensus of the Muslims of Medina, as reflected in early hadith collections, e. g. the Muwatta of Imam Malik ibn Anas)
  • Ijma al-ullama (consensus of scholars of Islamic law)
  • Ijma ahl al-hali wa al-aqd

These are used to discuss:

  • General evidences and principles (adillah ijmalliya wa al-qawaid)
  • Resolution of conflict and discrepancy (ta'adal wa tarjeeh)
  • Determination of rules and adoption/emulation of rules (ijtihad wa taqlid)
  • Islamic Law (hukm shari)

The Jafari Akhbari Shias believe that the Quran and Sunnah are the only sources of law while the Jafari Usuli Shias use Ijtihaad.

Conclusion: The difference between these two is that Usul-al-Din is principle of religion and beliefs while Usul-al-Fiqh is the principles of Islamic law, i.e. Sharia.

If one wants to become a Mufti, it depends whether you follow Sunni or Shia. According to Wikipedia:

A mufti (/ˈmʌfti/; Arabic: مفتي‎‎ muftī; Turkish: müftü) is an Islamic scholar who interprets and expounds Islamic law (Sharia and fiqh).

Therefore one will need to learn Usul-al-Fiqh.

And Allah knows best.

  • My knowledge is that Usul Al- Din is not only a shia subject... Read more here: أصول الدين
    – Kilise
    Commented Jun 7, 2017 at 20:52
  • I don't know Arabic Commented Jun 8, 2017 at 1:00

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