On the Marriageable age Wikipedia page
In Quran, the "age of marriage" coincides with puberty. Classical Islamic law (Sharia) does not have a marriageable age because there is no minimum age at which puberty can occur. However, many schools of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) set marriageable ages for men and women.
And lists the ages
Male consent Female consent
Hanafi 12 9
I'd like to fact-check these numbers and identify a reliable reference. No inline references are given on the Wikipedia page.
Question: Is the minimum marriage age for males 12 and females 9 in the Hanafi fiqh?
The closest reference I found was As-Sayyid Sabiq, Fiqh us-Sunnah The Book on Acts of Worship (pdf) which says:
Fiqh 1.69: Menstruation ... Most scholars say that its time begins at the age of nine.
This seems to support part of the claim on Wikipedia.