This is related to this question, but I didn't want to ask too many things in one go so I'm making a separate question.
I'm wondering what is involved in building a mosque, aside from the physical construction aspects. To illustrate, lets say that an Islamic community decides to build a new mosque, so they go ahead and hire an architect to design the building and hire a construction company to build the physical structure. Once the structure is completed, is it possible to immediately begin worshipping in the new building? Or is there a further "spiritual" process that has to be completed? Perhaps an Imam has to pray a certain prayer and blessing over the building in order to sanctify it and make it holy first?
I ask because I know that you have to remove your shoes when you enter a mosque in order to acknowledge that you have entered the house of God and are standing on Holy ground. But I'm wondering what actually makes it a house of God and not just a random building? Has an Imam performed some ritual which transforms the mosque from being an average building to being a holy site?
As a point of contrast, in Western Christianity there are two main views: Protestant and Catholic. Protestants believe that "a church is just an ordinary building" and that there is nothing special or holy about the building where they come together to pray, read the bible and worship - instead, the people themselves are seen as the important thing and the place where God resides. Whereas Catholics believe that churches need to be consecrated: I'm not sure exactly what's involved, but presumably a Bishop or Priest has to go through a ritual and bless the church - this is believed to sanctify it, transforming it into a "house of God" and a holy site.
With regards to mosques, do they need to be blessed and sanctified/consecrated like in Catholicism? Or are they just an ordinary building like in Protestantism?
(If mosques do indeed need to be blessed before they can be used, I'd love to know some detail about the blessing. What is said? What is done?)