Quranism describes any form of Islam that accepts the Quran as revelation but rejects the religious authority, and/or authenticity of, the Hadith collections. -- Wikipedia
Frequently, non-Quranists use ahadith to better understand the Qur'an. Likewise, they use tafsir to better understand the Qur'an.
A Quranic tafsir will often explain content and provide places and times, not contained in Quranic verses, as well as give the different views and opinions of scholars on the verse. -- Wikipedia
This motivates my question:
Question: Do Quranists also reject tafsir?
The Wikipedia page for Quranism also writes:
Ahle Quran scholars may use Tafsir when pursuing the interpretations of the Quran.[citation needed]
While an unreferenced snippet, this suggests it's possible that different Quranists have different attitudes towards tafsir. The Wikipedia page for tafsir currently also writes used to write:
Wahid Al-Qur'an, or "The Qur'an Alone" (a.k.a. Quranism [قرآنيون Qurʾāniyūn]) is the school of tafsir first used by Muslims during the first two centuries of Islamic history[Source needed].
This indicates that Quranists have a different kind of relationship with tafsir.