Just for fun, I like to have pretty and interesting pictures on my phone.
Question: How can I determine whether or not a mobile phone background image is appropriate?
As I learned from my earlier question (If statues are haram, why are there statues in Muslim-majority cities?), tasweer, or picture making, is considered haram, but to what extent is still unclear to me. It's listed as a major sin by Imam Shamsu ed-Deen Dhahabi (48-th on the list of 70 major sins). However, my Muslim friends don't seem to care about this (and, like with statues, it's not hard to find images in Muslim-majority cities; e.g. put [city name] billboard
into Google Images).
There seems to be a lot of nuance to this: (a) whether or not one should care at all; (b) making pictures vs. merely viewing the pictures; (c) whether the images might be viewed as promoting haram acts; (d) the images being electronic (cf. Can I read Qur'an from a monitor when I don't have wudu?).
Here are some examples (which I randomly downloaded from the Internet at some point):
A drawing of a silhouette of a woman decorated in flowers:
A drawing of Jack Frost (from Rise of the Guardians) and Elsa (from Frozen) sharing a tender moment:
A drawing of a punky-looking, tattooed Asian woman:
(I also have unproblematic images, e.g., photos of flowers.) I'm not after an answer limited to these images alone, but a general method for determining if an image is appropriate.