So, I have met a woman who is a Muslim revert for the last 6 years Alhamdulillah. She is learning a lot. We have met a couple of times (in public, she has no wali as they passed away a long time ago) to get to know one another with all respect in place.
I decided to do an Istikihara - well, I asked someone who is more religious and more closer to Allah, who is a trusted Imam. The result came out as negative and I understand that this means Allah basically has something (inshallah) better for me and that this person is not suitable for marriage for me.
Whilst I understand it is better to not continue with this potential match, what generally will happen if you ignore the result of Istikihara? I know it would be rendered pointless in the first place but will Allah be displeased with you?
I know that the Imam has done it once and said a couple of days later that it came out negative. I do of course trust him but is this enough?