Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “By Him in whose hand is my soul, if you did not sin Allah would replace you with people who would sin and they would seek the forgiveness of Allah and He would forgive them.” (Source: Sahih Muslim 2749)
Considering the above Hadith and the fact that humans are mistaken most of the time and sin all the time, and that none of us are like Muhammad (pbuh), doesn't it make no sense to make dua if we are going to sin inevitably anyway and invalidate it? Sure we can ask for forgiveness from Allah and he's going to forgive us because he's Ar-Rahman. But didn't our dua just get invalidated because we sinned? Because one of the criteria for one's dua to be answered is him not invalidating it by sinning.
For example, I ask Allah for a certain thing I want or something that I want happened. Then I foolishly and knowingly sin and that invalidates my dua. I then ask for forgiveness from Allah. But I myself invalidated my dua in the first place. Then I ask for it again and the same cycle repeats because it's impossible for us to not sin, and even if we were to theoretically stop sinning completely, Allah would replace us by a people who would sin so that he could forgive them.
That would mean I can't really ask anything from Allah because I'll sin later and invalidate my dua.
If that really is the case, doesn't it make more sense to just stop making dua and just keep asking for forgiveness from Allah for the sins we commit?