First of all the prayer in congregation and in a mosque is considered by some scholars as a fard (mandatory) for each man who can follow the call of the prayer and isn't hindered by a disease to go and join it. So if you are living 2 min away from the mosque and have no physical prevention, you should go and pray at a mosque (See for example this hadith from sahih Muslim about praying at a mosque is following the sunah while praying a prayer at home is not, and this hadith about the blind man who asked whether he can pray at home from sahih Muslim). So from this point of view this people are sinning if they don't attend any congregation at the mosque even if they live only 2 min away from it, and don't have any health reasons not to attend them.
And at least (assuming this isn't fard/farz) they will miss a lot of tawab by missing congregation prayers.
Getting payed for leading a prayer is considered as not allowed by some scholars (see for example this fatwa in Arabic) and allowed by others (see for example this fatwa).
Note that when it comes to details the difference between both fatwas is marginal: One would say that getting paid from the people who pray behind the imam isn't allowed, while getting paid from the government or bait al mal is allowed, while the other states that as far as the imam doesn't ask the people to pay him it's allowed to collect money for him or him being paid from the government/ministry/official pay desk (bait al mal) etc..
So the major difference is if the imam asks for a payment (this would be considered as not allowed) not if he "has been employed" to lead the prayers and paid!
Even if this was not asked there are also imams who have some deputy imam they pay half their earnings to lead congregation instead of them this is also considered as not allowed, as such an imam seems to do commerce with his "position". I just read about it here.
And Allah knows best!