In accordance with the Hanafi school I want to know about the Friday prayer, that whether it's compulsory to say 10 Rakat Sunnat moqada in the Friday prayers?
2 Answers
There are two types of sunnat:
- Sunnat-e-Moqeda
- Sunnat-e-GairMoqeda
Sunnat-e-Moqeda which Mohammed (Sallahu Alaihi wasallam) perform daily, and Sunnat-e-GairMoqeda which he didn't perform at times.
Sunnat-e-Moqeda is we should perform, it's compulsory, as we are followers of Mohammed (Sallahu Alaihi Wasallam).
So we need to perform 10 rakat of Sunnat-e-Moqeda after Namaz-e-Juma.
I read in my Urdu-language guide to Salah that Friday Prayer is thus:
4 Sunnat Moakkadah 2 Faraz 4 Sunnat Moakkadah 2 Sunnat Ghair Moakkadah 2 Nafil
I then confirmed this with my maternal uncle, whose Islamic knowledge is of A-1 grade Insyallah.