(Legit questions, looking for answers)
According to Islam, shirk is the worst sin you can possibly commit, the only unforgivable sin. Shirk is associating partners with Allah. According to Muhammad, if you even swear by something other than Allah you are committing shirk against Allah. This is found in all 6 of Islam's most trusted Hadith's. Here are some examples:
Sahih al-Bukhari 6108:
Allah's Messenger said: "Verily!" Allah forbids you to swear by your fathers. If one has to take an oath, he should swear by Allah or otherwise keep quiet."Sunan Abu Duwad 3242:
The Apostle of Allah said: "Do not swear by your fathers, or by your mothers, or by rivals of Allah; and swear by Allah only, and swear by Allah only when you are speaking the truth."Sunan al-Nasai 3795:
The Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever swears, let him not swear by anything other than Allah."
So why in the Qur'an does Allah repeatedly swear by things that are lower than himself?
"I swear by the Quran full of wisdom" S. 36:2
"I swear by those who draw themselves out in ranks" S. 37:1
"I swear by the wind that scatters far and wide" S. 51:1
"I swear by the heaven full of ways" S. 51:7
"I swear by the Mountain" S. 52:1
"I swear by the star when it goes down" S. 53:1
"But nay! I swear by the falling of stars" S. 56:75
"Nay! I swear by the day of resurrection. Nay, I swear by the self accusing soul, that the Day of Judgment is a certainty." S. 75:1-2
"So I swear by what you see, and what you do not see" S.69:38-39
(Many more but I don't want this to be too long)
Why does Allah associate so many lesser partners with Himself?
Edit: Saying "The law doesn't apply to Allah" is just silly. Can Allah worship Jesus in a Christian church? Because that is the same as shirk. If Allah is able to commit the worst sin, the unforgivable sin, he is also able to steal, cheat, lie, & commit all other sins.
I'm still looking for a better answer.
2nd Edit (per mod request)
To add clarification as to my question:
- Shirk is the only unforgivable sin (Surah 4:116)
- Even swearing by something other than Allah is to commit shirk (Sahih al-Bukhari 6108, Sunan Abu Duwad 4:116 + more)
- Allah repeatedly swears by things other than himself (S. 36:2, 37:1, 51:1, 51:7, 75:1-2. 69:38-39 + many more).
- My question is, If what Allah has done is not shirk, can you give me scriptural basis for this claim? Implying things such as "Allah can sin without it being sin" are too big a claim for me to accept without Qur'anic or Hadith passages.