Some References are in Turkish because I don't know how to translate.
"Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) would take Ghusl and would offer the Fajr sunnah (two rak'ahs sunnah and two rak'ahs fard). I don't remember him did take wudu after taking ghusl." (Ebû Dâvûd, Tahâret 98 (245); Nesâî, Tahâret 159; İbn Mâce, Tahâret 96; Müsned, VI, 68, 192, 253, 258).
From this hadith, which is considered to be referenced from a very trusted source, we can understand that it is not necessary to take wudu after proper Ghusl because he was offering salah after taking Ghusl.
There is also another hadith which is not trusted by Majmau'z-Zevaid. "One who takes wudu after taking Ghusl does not belong to us". The meaning of it is actually -while- you are taking the Ghusl you should take firstly wudu (which is normally taken before salah), and after take Ghusl. But this is not trusted and it was taken from "Taberânî, Mu'jem-ledger, XI, 213; Mu'cemü's-sagir". Again this hadith is not considered to be trustworthy.
I myself offer salah after taking Ghusl without taking wudu again.