I think,by my opinion,since its a thing that bring diesis or the cause of it (remember the black plague) its batter to kill it fast and not torture it. Killing fast its the best and kind way u can give. I use poison with the rat i caugh. Not because i like it,because they destroyed the house,eat the foot and infected people with their germ.
I maybe ask about my action by allah when i go there
,but i do what i must to protect my family from dieing with dieses and watch their health. One bite of those thing can kill you if you leave it or have late treatment (experiance by my sis in law and my cousin who families has been biteen by those things)
Kindness to all creature,kill it kindly,like u kill cow and chiken. Make sure it quick,if u have gun use it,or sword if u brave enough. Just watch that thing from bitten u,their claw have the same germ as their mouth,so becarefull.
Dont listen to people say dont kill it (tell that to the dark age about the death black plauge) because im sure they kill mosquito and ants too for fear of the dieses they brough.(im sure they dont want denggi and fire ants in their home) so we will be ask,but remember,we are sent here to manage
this world and ourself. If its a threat to the family of course we take action to defend ourself.