I am a female Muslim and a senior this year. Yesterday was our school prom and I decided to go. I still wore my Hijab and none of my skin was showing. Even though they allowed me to go, my parents have been bothering me about this ever since I came back, telling me that it isn't allowed in Islam. I just don't really understand why it would be, I mean, under certain circumstances, it could be forbidden.
There were no drugs or alcohol at the prom. It was a very formal event, with no inappropriate dancing or music involved. Before being allowed to enter, we had to have our purses searched to ensure that nothing inappropriate was being brought. I also didn't hang out with any of the boys, I went with a few of my girl friends, and only danced with them. Guys did not sit at our table either. Also, not only was our school principal there, but the principals of the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade classes were there too (we have a big school). On top of that, a bunch of teachers were also there, and even a few parents.
So if there was no inappropriate dancing, music, drugs, alcohol, or even guys involved during my night, what was really wrong about it? I still covered up as well.