There is a man (a few years younger than me) who told my friend that he likes me. My friend told me that he likes me but that I should not take him seriously because he will lie to me and talk to other girls. My other friend (she doesn't know him well) says I should not speak to him.
I have him on my social media and it seems that he is a nice and responsible person (goes to work, gym, go out with friends...). I honestly am confused because I don't see how he is talking to other girls unless he obviously doesn't share that so how would I know? I met him once shortly before he told my friend he likes me and he seems nice and my type.
Should I avoid him or should I meet him again to ask if he is serious about me? I am 26 and he is 24, are we too young to get married even though I feel that I am at that age where I am ready to get married inshallah.
Thank you.