As‘salaamu alaikum.
First, let‘s clarify a few points ...
While we have free will here in the dunya, it is not ABSOLUTE free will. We are at liberty to choose some of our actions, but we cannot have everything we desire here, nor can we do everything and anything we want.
“Nay, shall man have anything he hankers after? But to Allah belongs the end and the beginning.” Qur‘an 53:24-25
“Verily, We created man into toil and struggle. Does he think that none has power over him?” Qur‘an 90:4-5
Our grant of free will has limits, and that fact will not change when we get to the akhirah. I am of the opinion, brother, that the limits will be quite a bit stricter.
For those who make Home, they will have been so thoroughly purified by Allah that they will have no evil inclinations left in them, (Qur‘an 4:31). That by itself is going to profoundly influence what it is we wish for in Jannah.
For example, I am the only muslim in my family. I know that if my people go to the akhirah with kufr then they are going to be sent to Hell where they will suffer terrible agonies FOREVER. Just saying that makes my soul sick with anxiety for them, because I love them and I don‘t want to see any harm done to them.
But I understand that what I feel now is not what I am going to feel if I am blessed to be among those who are purified and sent to Jannat. If and when I undergo my purification my ikh‘laas to Allah will become perfect and absolute. I am going to lose my capacity to feel any pity or sympathy for anyone who chose to make themselves enemies to Allah.
I think that these changes to man‘s disposition will be the new parameters of free will in the akhirah.
Allah knows best. Ma‘as‘salaama.