The angels are not women. The negation of them being called females is present in the Quran at multiple places:
وجعلوا الملائكة الذين هم عباد الرحمن إناثا أشهدوا خلقهم ستكتب شهادتهم ويسألون
And they have made the angels, who are servants of the Most Merciful, females. Did they witness their creation? Their testimony will be recorded, and they will be questioned.
— Quran 43:19
إن الذين لا يؤمنون بالآخرة ليسمون الملائكة تسمية الأنثى
Indeed, those who do not believe in the Hereafter name the angels female names
— Quran 53:27
أم خلقنا الملائكة إناثا وهم شاهدون
Or did We create the angels as females while they were witnesses?"
— Quran 37:150
As for being called men then this is disagreed upon. In the exegesis of the following verses:
وبينهما حجاب وعلى الأعراف رجال يعرفون كلا بسيماهم ونادوا أصحاب الجنة أن سلام عليكم لم يدخلوها وهم يطمعون
And between them will be a partition, and on [its] elevations are men who recognize all by their mark. And they call out to the companions of Paradise, "Peace be upon you." They have not [yet] entered it, but they long intensely.
— Quran 7:46
ونادى أصحاب الأعراف رجالا يعرفونهم بسيماهم قالوا ما أغنى عنكم جمعكم وما كنتم تستكبرون
And the men on Al-A‘râf (the wall) will call unto the men whom they would recognise by their marks, saying: "Of what benefit to you were your great numbers (and hoards of wealth), and your arrogance (against Faith)?"
— Quran 7:48
Some traditions are recorded that the ones meant here are angels, and they have been called men.