Wa 3laykum As Salaam,Wa 3laykum As Salaam,
I hope you are doing well. With regards to just cards there is nothing inherently wrong with as they are not religious nor pertain to any non-Islamic belief.
The only issue isAnd as long as you dont use money to purchase the raffle partthen it should be permissible. The raffle by definition from this website states:
Raffle is a type of lottery played as part of gambling in which several persons pay money for paper tickets that provide an opportunity to win the prizes.
Source: https://definitions.uslegal.com/r/raffle/
It will be deemed impermissible and a detailed answered can be found here:References : https://islamqa.org/hanafi/daruliftaa/7749/fiqh-of-gambling/
ALLAH (Glory Be To HIM) Knows Best