وكأن القائلين بأن ظاهر الحديث أنه رضع من ثديها لم يقفوا على شيء . فقد روى ابن سعد عن الواقدي عن محمد بن عبد الله بن أخي الزهري عن أبيه قال : كانت سهلة تحلب في إناء قدر رضعته ، فيشربه سالم في كل يوم ، حتى مضت خمسة أيام ، فكان بعد ذلك يدخل عليها وهي حاسرة ، رخصة من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لسهلة
My own translation take it with all necessary care.
...As if those who toke the hadith literally and said she gave him his breast have never hear/read anything. As it was narrated by ibn Sa'ad from al_Waqidi from Muhammad ibn 'Abdullah the son of az-Zuhri's brother from his father who said: Sahlah was milking a quantity for his breast feeding (of her milk) in a vessel. Salim drunk this each day until fuive days have passed. Afterwards he (could) enter (her house) while she was bareheaded (unveiled), as a permission from the Messenger of Allah Allah's prayers and blessings be upon him to Shalah.
Scholars interpret it as a respect or maybe "fearful respect", as he asked al-Qassim again to get his authorization to narrate the hadith, because on one side the involved people were alive and on the other side the majority of sahabah and the mothers of believers rejected the idea of breast feeding an adult to gain mahram relationship (as is stated in the reference proposed by @UmH). And this goes ahead with an-Nasa-i's narration of the hadith: