1)As Muslim, our PRIME reference is The Quran and The Authentic Hadith/The Ahlil Bayt whom live with it. (2)The Well-Knowned Scholars mainly the mainstream of School of thoughts of the 4 mazhab. Mainly in 3 Major Subject : Tawheed, Fiqh & Tasauf/Sufism. (3)Any teachings which contradicts Quran and the Authentic Hadiths MUST be discarded and throw it away completely, it's carbagegarbage, from whoever he/she is. (4)For Tasauf/Sufism, we have the greatest Saint-Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al Jailani, he is the descendants of Prophet Muhammad pbuh from both side of his parents. All Muslims could refer from his teachings with regards to Tasauf/Sufism, his students and other Scholars who live and thought these fields, eg: Hassan Al Basri, Yazid Al Bustami, Al Ghazali and many more. (5)We DON'T NEED this Erkhart Tolle or any stranger similar to him. He was not a Muslim, he just merely reading our Scholar's books, copy and paste to his mind and make money out of it. Better read from our own Authentic Sources, the Scholar who SIT infront of other Scholar to gain knowledge(became students facing all odds), and live(EXPERIENCED)Sufi's life under 'mentorship' of other Sufi(his teacher). Not just reading books under the comfort of air-conditioned room and start preaching, you get nothing from this kind of people but astray. Anyone who became a student, his/her teacher will correct them whenever misunderstood, diverge or gone astray in their understandings. For those without teacher, who's going to correct them if that's happened? Not to mentioned might be inspired by Satan of their understandings. (6)Same thing the so-called 'mindfulness', zen, is all derived from Muslim Scholar teaching, they just copy and paste, modified here and there. In-fact the Original teachings of Budha according to one of the former followers was nothing to do with idols, apparently the followers add their own teachings after the death of Budha years after, and we can't deny completely that Budha might be one of the prophet, because his original teachings is also believing the oneness of the Creator and no idols involved. (7)To summarized: Muslims don't need any teachings beside Quran and Authentic Hadith/Ahlil Bayt. There's no other religion beside Islam with such a comprehensive and complete teachings which covers all subject and aspects. Others are merely copy and paste from Islam, so whatever not contradicts Islam, is allow, because it's actually a 'stolen' knowledge from Islam but they named it differently, nothing new. Allah knows best.