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Reference of Hadith "yassiru wala tu'assiro""make things easy and not difficult"يسِّروا ولا تعسِّروا"?
Please let me know the refrence of haidth"yassiru wala tu'assiro" meaning "create easehadith "Give tidings (to the people) ; do not create difficulty"(in their minds) aversion (towards religion)" "يسِّروا ولا تعسِّروا"
Reference of Hadith "yassiru wala tu'assiro"?
Please let me know the refrence of haidth"yassiru wala tu'assiro" meaning "create ease do not create difficulty"
Reference of Hadith "make things easy and not difficult"يسِّروا ولا تعسِّروا"?
Please let me know the refrence of hadith "Give tidings (to the people) ; do not create (in their minds) aversion (towards religion)" "يسِّروا ولا تعسِّروا"