Inshallah it will. According to most schools of thought, giving non-obligatory Sadaqah to non-Muslims is permitted, among the evidence for which is the verse of the Quran that describes the traits of the righteous as:
ويطعمون الطعام على حبه مسكينا ويتيما وأسيرا
And they give food in spite of love for it to the needy, the orphan, and the captive,
Captives at that time were polytheist prisoners of war, see Tafsir al-JassasTafsir al-Jassas etc.
Further there is the hadith which describes a person being rewarded for giving water to a thirsty dog, where the Prophet ﷺ said:
في كل ذات كبد رطبة أجر
There is a reward for serving any animate (living being).
Additionally there are narrations about Asma bint Abu Bakr and Umar ibn Al-Khattab giving to their non-Muslim relatives.