assalammu alikum . iI am no scholar, nor am iI a sheik or imam im. I'm just a muslimMuslim whom is blessed with understanding . At
At the time of our beloved prophet (pbuh), alcohol along with other intoxicants were banned in islam .Islam unto today . whyWhy would anything which allahAllah (stw) commanded the prophet (pbuh) to be banned be legal in islam now . there? There are other form orforms of fruits and other foods which the prophet consumeconsumed which scientists are now discovering the benefit for . notNot everyone is educated and understanding to know about health, but itsit's simple by following the sunnah . meaning u Meaning you can pray make dua ., and eat and live like the prophet (pbuh) and thatsthat's it . on youtube have
On YouTube, there are videos on foods of the prophet you can even research the benefits of the food . . alcoholAlcohol in medication are simply to speed up the blood circulation the body will speed up causing the medication to work . soBut still the alcohol acts like alcohol . drinkDrink medication without alcohol and exercise or sleep with a blanket the heat will cause the blood to be tinnedthinned and the medication will work just fine fine. imI'm not a doctor either . im I'm just blessed by allah Allah.