Assuming Islam followers believe that they are truly reading/following the word of Muhammad and not a collection of fictional works/stories.
Assuming it is accurate to assume that every Muslim in the world is trusting what other people has told them is the truth [Islam] and that they don't criticize neither the source of the information or the information in itself, if it comes from the Quran.
If so, why is this a logical approach to life, and why should we not tolerate each other exactly as we are without enforcing religion and strict rules upon everyone? Why is violence in the name of unverifiable information a more logical approach to life as opposed to peace and tolerance?
I come to you as an anti-prohibitionist, as I think most societies overall have too many ridiculous rules and too little freedom. I don't seek to attack you or your religion.
Edit: To clarify, among Swedish immigrant Muslims this [violent, forcing others to adhere] model of Islam seemed to be the most prevalent with the ones I have spoken to. Which is too small of a group to make accurate statements about Islam as a whole. However I'd like Muslims with these opinions in general to answer this question so that I can grasp their point of view. It's not about defending yourself, but about providing me with the logic behind your reasoning or simply denouncing logic in favor of religion.
Edit once again: I'm notnot looking to scandalize Islam or say that Muslims are second class human beings. I respect you and admire your dedication. I'm looking for where Islam and logic do not refute each other, which does not imply that a Muslim needs to defend themselves, but only explain how Islam fits into the definition of the word "Logic".