My question is regarding forced marriage of one of my friend, she. She blindly believed her parents and they selected a guy for her this. This all started with a lie regarding age and looks she. She was firstlyfirst shown a photograph which was a bit older, she agreed and settled down for the engagement, from. From the day of engagement when she finally saw him, he is 36 year old full grown man and she is 24, she just can't imagine herself with him, plus they have nothing in common not. Not a single thing...
From last 2 years she is crying and shouting not to get married but no one listened sometime. Sometimes, everyone kept on shouting at her sometimes. Sometimes, they totally stopped talking to her.. She tried her best not to get married but eventually was forcefully married just because of these circumstances now when. Now while she is married she can't even look towards her husbandhusband; she fears him.. They both have nothing in common..she She is drowning everyone. Everyone has disowned her sister her. Her mother keeps shouting at her every time.. She says she can never live being his wife.. Everything was done forcefully... Is this right or wrong?
Since 2It's been 2 years in which she has been shouting not to get married even. Even before the nikah and haldi, she cried and tried to console everyone but no one listened.. Is this marriage valid?
Can a girl ask for divorce?
Can they both live like husband and wife..? As I've researched everywhere it shows this is invalid because the girl was not happy and was forced she. She has a certain fear from him and she is scared if he'll force her for anythinginto things, like getting intimate or anything...
Plz help...