- إجماع في الرأي Here we discuss the matter when it comes to one opinion or different opinions in confrontation with a hadith ahad. In Brief: In the case of a conflict in which different opinions occur then Ijtihad is needed and opinions would be rejected or accepted according to the tools of Ijtihad! But the about this kind of Ijma' there are different opinions among the madhab itself and some scholars also call it إجماع استدلالي.
- Either the ahad and the customs and practices of people of al-Madina agree and are in line then it would be a support of the sanity of this hadith if this Ijma' came through transmission or if it was based on an opinion (Ijtihad) this would favor this hadith if there's no different opinion. If not Qiyas and Ijtihad would be necessary.
- If there's an other different ahad which is supported by the customs and practices of people of al-Madina they would favor the ahad which is in line with their customs in case of a conflict.
- If there's a consensus through transmission they reject aan ahad which is in conflict to this custom because they would have tawatur vs. ahad, and tawatur is more likely to lead to certainty while ahad is more likely to lead to doubt.