You will still find a lot of Fatwas where some scholars say that a woman who rejects to have intercourse with her husband is "nashiz ناشز" and can be punished and that she should obey if her husband wants to have intercourse. For example here (in Arabic)here (in Arabic) an extreme fatwa where the scholar seems to allow rape and refer to other fatwas on how to punish the wife etc.!
Quoting the hanafi book Hashiyat ibn 'Abideen also known as Radd-al-Muhtaar:
Here and in the following I'll be translating from Arabic language, as these translation are mostly of my own take them carefully!
لأن من أحكام النكاح حل استمتاع كل منهما بالآخر، نعم له وطؤها جبرا إذا امتنعت بلا مانع شرعي وليس لها إجباره على الوطء بعدما وطئها مرة (Source)
Because one of the rules of marriage is the permissibility of each of them enjoying the other. Yes, he may have intercourse with her forcibly if she refuses without a legal impediment, and she does not have the right to force him to have intercourse after he has had intercourse with her once.
The author of the fatwa introduced this saying:
وإذا امتنعت الزوجة من الفراش دون عذر، فهي عاصية وناشز، ويجوز للزوج جبرها على الجماع حينئذ.
If the wife refuses to have intercourse without excuse, then she is disobedient and disobedient, and the husband may force her to have intercourse at that time.