Based onTo the best of my limited knowledge, collecting and presenting of such thing as you said could be considered as a based-opinion. But in order to help you to reach your goal, I strongly suggest you to refer to the following books which could be considered as the four more authentic books of Shiite. Therefore, there are four well-known books of Shiite hadith that you can see them as following:
- Kitab al-Kafi / الكافي، محمد بن یعقوب الكليني (متوفى 329هـ)؛
- Man la yahduruhu al-Faqih / مَن لا یَحضُرُهُ الفَقِیه، تألیف محمدبن على بن بابویه، معروف به شیخ صدوق (متوفى 381هـ)؛
- Tahdhib al-Ahkam / تهذیب الاحكام ، محمد بن حسن الطوسي، معروف به شیخ الطائفه (متوفى 460هـ).
- Al-Istibsar / الاستبصار فِیمَا اختُلف مِن الاخبار ، تألیف شیخ الطائفه
Actually, you can consider the books which have inferred from those four books as authentic books even if they have been written in the last century. (As their sources).