Well There is no harm in reading but you should remember that shaytanShaytan (satanSatan) is a psychological manipulator and you should keep this in mind that Bible came to correct the induced corruption in torah, and now QuranQur'an is the replenishment of the true message and has a privilageprivilege by Allah himself that it is being guarded from corruption by Allah Azawajjal himself as this message is intentedintended for all the coming generations till day of judgement and is not for specific civilization of some specific time like torah and bible. And if you read you will find some statements similar to Quran as they MIGHT(stress on this) have not been corrupted to that great extent.
Be aware satanSatan is to you an avowed enemy, and he would go to any length to misguide you. So I would say unless it isn't damn necessary for you to read the torah or are in such a situation then seek refuge with allahAllah first by saying "A - uzu billah hi minash shaytanShaytan ir rajeem".