Sorry for bad english.
How ??
the mosaad answer
Is ther is guidelines??
- You should be sure that this act is "HARAM" or hateful.
- there is no other accepted advisory opinion saying that this act is halal.
- You should be able to do the protests.
- You should be able to bear the harm
if present
caused by the protests - The harm of the protests shouldn't be expected to affect other people who can't bear it.
"لا يكلف الله نفسا الا وسعها"
"God does not costask someone to do what he can't bear or do"bear"
The net result of the evil in fault plus the protests process
should never be more than the evil introduced by the fault itself.
ie: Don't try to remove fault by another fault greater than it, or by process which will cause another fault greater than original one.
"والله لا يحب الفساد" "God
"God does not love corruption"evil"
what is the relation between the last aya and the conditions ?
N.B:Allah hates the first evil; and ask you to remove it. N.B:the evil introduced by the protests process is an evil; Allah hates it.
So you are subjected to decrease the totel evil to the minimum possible level
who ??
all muslims are subjected to do protest by thier hearts in all conditions
other kinds of protest needs the conditions to be fullfilled.
The leader of any groub of people
use his Authority to fullfill good things in his groub. "That leader may be father, mother or manager " "كلكم راع وكلكم مسئول عن رعيته" "You is a shepherd and each of you is responsible for his flock."
Who decide the magnitude??
according to the conditions, what the act?? where is it ?? who do it ?? What is the expected eation ?? Is there is a harm ?? who wil be affected ??
In your home >> you can decide;
In personal occasions >> you can decide or consult some one.
In general events >> muslims should make meeting to decide.