- Bismillah -
In answer to the original first query, "Allah created everything; where did Allah come from?", the short answer is that the question presupposes Allah is a part of creation, when Allah most definitely is not (when we go by the Qu'ranQur’an).
For evidence of this latter point, look at Surat al-Ikhlas, the last line. This says God is incomparable with everything else in the universe. Now the entire universe is his creation; therefore God is not his creation.
To show God is not someone else's creation requires a different argument. We can also appeal here to al-Ikhlas. In thenthe third line it says God begets none, nor was begotten; in other words, Allah is nobody's child, nor does he have children, unlike created beings. In the second line we are told God is eternal. So if God exists eternally, and is not a product of anyone else, and is one, we have there is just one God and this God is not someone else's creation (i.e. no other agent generates God but God). To show nothing else generates God but God, we note that God is the origin of all things distinct from God; so that there is nothing distinct from God except what God wills into creation; and we already have that God is not created by any other agent; so God is the sole cause of his existence.
So, in short, Allah is distinct from creation, and so is uncreated. He doesn't come from anything.