Assalamu alaikum,
My question is a hypothetical one. Consider this scenario: An artist draws an image of a cat, which looks very cute but does not look like any real cat exactly. Now that is haraam obviously. Now another person walks by the painting, looks at the painting and likes the cute cat. He wishes to have a similar cat as a pet, and just asks for that to Allah.
Now, it is obvious that the artist did a haraam act drawing the image of the cat (maybe he drew it for worshipping). But is it also wrong for the second person wanting a pet cat that would look like the cat in the image?
My opinion is that, the cuteness of the cat is just an imagination. And as far as I know, imaginations are not haraam. The artist misused the imagination, and the other person saw the misuse and then used the cuteness as a good imagination. So it should not be haraam for him, right?
Sorry if the question is too abstract. It's just something that came to my mind and is bugging me for a while.