I live in very tiny house n sleep on floor. I have a bed on floor made of up blanket and 2 sheets folded to make it soft. My question is if it is permissible to pray namaz on it? I found reference here but it is unclear how soft is too soft? Because blanket is made up of cotton or/and wool.

  • Just to be clear, you're referring to doing a normal namaz while effectively using the bed as a prayer mat? not doing a namaz while lying in bed, correct?
    – goldPseudo
    Apr 7, 2020 at 0:00
  • Correct @goldPseudo
    – localhost
    Apr 7, 2020 at 0:18
  • You have be able to feel the ground with your forehead, or salah is invalid. I have been warned against using even a thick prayer mat, and to be extra careful when I do. I personally would not risk reading salah on the case you mention. Have you considered reading outdoors instead?
    – moinudin
    Apr 7, 2020 at 2:09

1 Answer 1


Hi do do you put a prayer mat on the blankets?.. Knowledge I have is if you don't have space at all then maybe acceptable and if its paak

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